Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Things I Will Miss

Last year I posted a list of things I anticipated missing about living in California. I was pretty much spot on. With boxes everywhere and our move just one week away, I've been reflecting a bit on Blacksburg and Virginia. Here's my list of things I'll miss about living in Blacksburg, VA:

1) Living on half an acre. It led to us adopting Sadie and giving us the space to decompress from six years of tiny apartment living.

2) Living in a huge house. Our house is admittedly much too large for us. We hardly used the downstairs living at all, the guest room was only occupied a handful of times, and my craft room could have easily been combined with Mark's office. I'm sure I'll miss the tons of space and huge closets when I'm trying to fit everything into our new little house.

3) Cheap everything. Seriously, 5% sales tax, fancy sit down dinner & drinks for under $50, and gas regularly under $3.50. We're definitely going to miss that!

4) Really cool birds and other wildlife. Cardinals, blue jays, robins, and who knows what else. I've enjoyed watching birds right out my front window (and deer, bunnies, chipmunks, and other assorted wildlife.)

5) Spring. I'll admit it, it's fun to watch the seasons change. And spring here is full of beautiful flowering plants. So much color!

6) 5% sales tax. Hmm I think I covered that already... but I'm really going to miss that!

7) Fireflies. Watching them is magical. They rise up off the grass and then later make the trees twinkle. They are the only bug besides butterflies that I like.

8) Band. The community band here has been an awesome venue for me getting back into playing my clarinet. I'm not sure what the community band scene will be like in the east bay, but I know I'll miss the band here.

9) Brick/colonial style architecture. There are some really neat homes and it's been fun living somewhere so different from the Spanish Mission style.

10) Beautiful country drives. Nothing beats a romantic drive with gorgeous rolling hills and the sun roof open.

11) Hiking. There are really great trails here!

I admit... it's been a bit of a stretch to think of the things I'll miss here because I'm honestly so relieved and excited to move back home to California. But I really have enjoyed our time here, and I'm definitely going miss it!

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