Saturday, May 5, 2012

Pack your patience!

Just a quick post from the Brisbane airport. We're one flight and a bus ride away from our hotel and badly needed hot showers. It turns out the other side of the world is a long ways away!!

We spent our two days in Lafayette getting some much needed inspections done on our new house. There's still a long way to go before it's "our" house officially, but so far so good! (As I typed that I got an email regarding our sewer... really not good news at all, crap. Haha crap. Get it? Sewer... crap... gross. Who writes this stuff anyways?) I hope to update more on that later, as internet connections allow.

Yesterday (two days ago?) We left the East Bay around 4:00pm Pacific Time (Friday). After a long BART ride we made it to SFO, flew to LAX, hopped terminals and went through security again, and then sat on our 14 hour flight to Brisbane. We both managed to get some sleep and so far we're feeling pretty good. Our plane was pretty nice and we would definitely recommend Virgin Australia! It had wider seats than normal, reclined a bit further back, and had decent in flight entertainment and even a USB port for charging your iEverythings. Also, our flight attendant looked like Johnny Depp. The only problem is that we feel like it's dinner time and it's only about 9:30am here (on Sunday!) Blerg.

After we landed we did the typical passport check/customs/exit international terminal, we had very little time to make our connection. We weren't given the right transfer documents (no one on our flight was) and we ended up wasting a bunch of time in the wrong line. We finally found the right person in the right terminal, and she rebooked us on the next flight. We were laughing/being friendly with her and generally being flexible, and she gave us emergency exit row seats. Meanwhile the couple at the counter next door was throwing quite the fit. Guess who didn't get those exit row seats even though they got to the counter first? This isn't the first time something like this has happened, and I'm sure it won't be the last. Pack your patience, and throw a little kindness at the person who holds your travel plans in their hands, and more often than not you'll come out ahead.

Whew, we just can't wait to get to Melbourne and start touring!

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